ABTT Annual General Meeting 2022: Council Election Results

1 November 2023

The Annual General Meeting of the Association of British Theatre Technicians was held at Woolwich Works, The Fireworks Factory, 11 No 1 Street, London,  SE18 6HD on Wednesday 31st October 2023 at midday.

Apologies for absence were received from Chris Newall, Sir Edgar M Andrews, Barry Pritchard.

At the meeting the following resolutions were passed:

– The Report of the Association for the year to 31st December 2022 was adopted.
– The Accounts of the Association for the year to 31st December 2022 were adopted.
– MHA MacIntyre Hudson were appointed Auditors until the conclusion of the next Annual General Meeting and the Council of Management were authorized to determine their remuneration.

In addition the results of the Council Elections were announced.

Three vacancies came into being at the time of the AGM through retirement by rotation of the following members of Council who had completed their current three-year term of office: Alexander Cann, Andy Franks and Anton Woodward.

Alexander Cann and Anton Woodword had served one three-year term and were eligible for nomination. Andy Franks requested to retire as a Director Trustee.

Three nominations for Election as a Director Trustee had been received for:Alexander Cann, Anton Woodword and Suzy Somerville.  Those nominated, in number matching the number of vacancies to be filled, were duly elected to serve a three-year term joining Louise Birchall, Oliver Brown, Mig Burgess Walsh,  David Evans, Anette Ollerearnshaw, Matthew Smethurst Evens, Ben Stephens and Emma Wilson. The new terms of office commence at the next meeting of the Council scheduled for 1st November 2023.