APAC – Association of Performing Arts Collections Annual Student Showcase – CALL FOR PAPERS!

12 November 2022

It’s that time of the year - nope not Christmas, APAC’s annual student showcase! After the success of last year APAC executive committee decided to run the student showcase annually.

The showcase is an opportunity for student and academics to present their research to the wider APAC community. It is a great opportunity to share what they have all been working on, gain some feedback and create new connections with wider APAC members. This year, APAC extended the student network to include academics. To reflect this change, the event will run a student and academic showcase.

This year APAC’s student and academic showcase will be on Wednesday 14th December at 4pm (GMT, London) online via Zoom.

Presentations for the student and academic showcase can be given in a range of ways through the virtual space but we ask presentations are kept between 5 minute to 20 minutes. If you would like to take part and present your research, or a part of your research, please do get in touch with Bethany, APAC student representative via email bethany.johnstone.16@ucl.ac.uk with a short bio, topic of your presentation and how long you will need to present your research. Pleasecontact by Friday 18th November if you want to present.

If you have any further questions or would like any more information please do get in touch.