Can your venue open? UK Theatre & SOLT insurance survey

9 November 2020

As part of UK Theatre & SOLT’s ongoing work on lobbying for a government-backed insurance scheme for theatre, they need your help to collect more up-to-date information.

The purpose of this latest survey is to find out what shows will be mounted or remounted without the availability of insurance for cancellation / business interruption (including COVID-19) coverage in Stages Four & Five. It is also to find out what shows would mount or remount if such insurance was available. Government’s latest lockdown dates for England have been considered in the assumptions in this survey.

As you know, negotiations are currently underway seeking government help to provide insurance that would be designed to cover the costs incurred due to lockdowns (nationally or regionally) and incurred by closures due to cast / crew testing positive. We know that the insurance market itself will not be offering such cover for some time to come. We cannot be certain that the negotiations with government will achieve a positive outcome, therefore this survey is designed to establish the impact on production activity dependent upon a successful outcome.

The survey has detailed notes throughout to help you complete it. Please only have one person in your organisation complete this. To reduce duplications or partly completed responses, please download the questions to discuss with your team, before completing online.

Please complete the survey by Monday 16 November.

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Society of London Theatre & UK Theatre