ABTT Silver Award for Stage Technicians (Warwick)
Member’s price £830+VAT
Non-member’s price £945+VAT
9 – 13 August 2022 | 10:00 am - 5:00pm
Coventry, Warwick Arts Centre
Please note that in completing the application form and returning to office@abtt.org.uk you are confirming that you wish to attend this course.
Should you wish to simply enquire about the course please contact the office or Tel: 020 7242 9200
What is the Silver Award for Stage Technicians?
The Silver Award is a five day course which gives candidates more in-depth knowledge and understanding of best practice in rigging and lifting on stage. It allows candidates to specialise further and validate experience in a specific area whilst progressing on from the Bronze Award.
Who can do the course?
Candidates wanting to pursue the Silver Award for Stage Technicians should have gained equivalent knowledge and skills covered by the Bronze Award prior to considering undertaking this course.
How is the course structured?
1. In-Service Inspections for Lifting Gear – Part One
2. In-Service Inspections for Lifting Gear – Part Two
3. Practical Rigging – Part One
4. Practical Rigging – Part Two
5. Stage Structures
What is covered in the course?
Modules 1 and 2 cover theory and regulations such as the Machinery Directive/Supply of Machinery (Safety) Regulations; Lifting Operations & Lifting Equipment Regulations (LOLER) and Provision and Use of Work Equipment Regulations (PUWER). We also cover the practical element of inspecting and using lifting gear.
Modules 3 and 4 have a strong practical basis and teach how to rig chain hoists and trusses including the on-site construction of steel wire rope slings and the use of prefabricated ones. The procedure for use and safe operation of electric chain hoists is fully explained. Candidates must have completed Part 1 to undertake Part 2.
Module 5 provides basic engineering concepts applicable to stages and scenery. The aim is to impart an awareness of mechanical and structural principles; giving the technician an appreciation of engineering issues relating to stage structures. Topics include: beams; columns & ties; forces and types of loading; modes of failure; joints and supports; mechanical advantage and design standards. Realistic examples and practical experience will be covered through presentation and discussion.
How do I progress after this course?
Once a Silver Award has been achieved, many students decide that they wish to broaden their skill set and do a further “Silver Award” course in a different area. Alternatively – some decide they want to progress on the final Gold Award Course once they have moved in to managerial roles.
We offer the Gold Award Course to support the candidate in managerial roles within the Industry. Candidates should have responsibility for the management of the working environment and the practices therein.
ABTT Silver Candidate, Summer School 2018Thank you for a great week, I learnt a lot in such a small space of time and have already made plans on how to implement what I was taught into everyday life at my Theatre. The instructors were fantastic really knew what they were talking about.