Invitation 40th anniversary celebration of Curtains!!! or A New Life For Old Theatres
MMember’s price FREE
14 November 2022 | 1:30 pm - 4:30pm
London, Trafalgar Theatre

Theatres Trust would like to invite you to a panel discussion to celebrate the 40th anniversary of the publication of Curtains!!! or A New Life For Old Theatres.
Published in 1982, Curtains!!! or A New Life For Old Theatres was a gazetteer of all the surviving pre-1914 theatres and music halls of Great Britain. It described, graded and illustrated all these often fantastic temples of entertainment whether in theatrical use or not, whether complete or fragmentary. This landmark publication was instrumental to so much of Theatres Trust’s early work and continues to be today.
Join Theatres Trust at this fascinating panel discussion with chair, Peter Longman, and panellists John Earl, Clare Ferraby, Iain Mackintosh, Mike Sell, Nick Thompson and Dave Wilmore who were part of the team that created this significant publication.
1. 15pm: Doors
1. 30pm: Welcome by Jon Morgan, Director of Theatres Trust and Christina Horsepool, General Manager giving an overview of the renovations of Trafalgar Theatre
1.45pm: Panel discussion led by former Theatres Trust Director, Peter Longman on the creation of the publication Curtains!!! with questions
3pm: Tea and cake
4.30pm: Event to end
Please RSVP to Sofia Oliva by Friday 4 November if you would like to attend.
Theatres Trust look forward to welcoming you.