Announcement: Richard Pilbrow’s Memorial Celebration

17 May 2024 | 1:30 pm - 6:00pm

London, Dorfman Theatre

Announcement: Richard Pilbrow’s Memorial Celebration

Celebrating Richard Pilbrow

Please join us on Friday 17th May 2024 to celebrate Richard Pilbrow

The Pilbrow family, along with the ALPD and the ABTT, invite you to come along and celebrate the remarkable life of Richard Pilbrow – lighting designer, theatre consultant, producer, author, educator, mentor, friend, and so, so, so much more.

Our celebration takes place at perhaps the most appropriate place possible: a theatre in a building both of which Richard played a key part in creating, the Dorfman (formerly Cottesloe) at the National Theatre. We’d like to thank our friends at the National for making this possible.

We’ll be welcoming you all from about 1.30pm, with the celebration itself taking place in the Dorfman from 2.00pm – and then as is traditional, we’ll all retire to the bar for memories, stories and reminiscing.

All are welcome – but we would just ask that if you’re planning on attending, you let us know by RSVPing here. Like the great producer Richard sometimes was, we want a sold-out event, maybe even bursting a little at the seams – but not to end up with people unable to get in

If you can’t make it but would still like to commemorate Richard, a good way of doing so would be through supporting the entertainment charities Backup Tech (in the UK) or Behind The Scenes (in the US), via the links here:

Backup Tech
Behind The Scenes

Finding the National
Google Maps
What 3 Words: asleep.moth.modes

More details about Richard’s amazing life:
Richard Pilbrow, lighting designer, producer, consultant, writer and fellow and co-founder of the Association of British Theatre Technicians sadly passed away on 6 December at the age of 90.

A driving force in the theatre— Richard was the first Lighting Director of the National Theatre, as well as founder of Theatre Projects, co-founder of the Association for Lighting Production and Design (ALPD, originally ALD), the Institute of British Theatre Consultants and the Society of British Theatre Designers.