STR Online Event: Nicholas Nickleby – live!
13 December 2020 | 6:00 pm
Zoom, Online Event
Limited tickets available, please book!

The Maggie Collins Christmas Event
To lift December’s gloom, please join us via Zoom for a rehearsed reading of the very first stage version of Nicholas Nickleby, adapted by Edward Stirling. Dating from 1838, before the publication of Dickens’ novel as a serial was complete, it was a huge success at the time. As we can’t get together or provide our usual refreshments this year, why not nibble a mince pie and sip a glass of mulled wine while you watch at home?
The production will be directed by Sue Solomon with a cast including many of those actors who appeared in her 2019 reading for the STR of Presumption: or the Fate of Frankenstein (watch out for an appearance of Frankenstein’s Creature now playing Wackford Squeers!). Sue has directed many 18th and 19th century plays and has lectured on subjects such as ballooning and the plays of Mrs. Inchbald in order to show what audiences of the time enjoyed.
Note the slightly earlier start time than is usual!
If you have any queries, please email us on