Theatres Trust Conference 24: Making Theatres Thrive

8 October | 11:00 am

Salford, The Lowry Theatre

Theatres Trust Conference 24: Making Theatres Thrive

Theatres Trust Conference returns in 2024 with an exciting change of venue and more opportunities for networking and discussion.

We are delighted that The Lowry in Salford will host the main day of the conference on Tuesday 8 October. We will bring together a mix of inspiring speakers and case studies, to help us understand what we all can do to make sure our theatres thrive.

This will be followed by an optional half-day on Wednesday 9 October, where delegates will have the opportunity to spend a morning touring some of Manchester’s most distinctive theatre venues.

Conference theme

People, places and purpose are at the heart of our theatres. This year’s conference looks at how they are enablers in Making Theatres Thrive.

As we emerge post-pandemic into new social, economic, environmental contexts and reimagined places, we need to re-examine how theatres can reinforce their role in placemaking, contributing to vibrant and liveable communities and creating a resilient future for all. We will look at cultural placemaking with senior local government officials who develop the big picture and theatres will share how they are playing a more central civic as well as cultural role.

The conference recognises the dynamics and nuances at play in the shifting contexts in which theatres operate. It will showcase alternative and flexible business and operating models and what this might practically mean for resilience for theatres large and small. There will be an opportunity to learn about the latest developments with Theatre Green Book and to share best practice in addressing net zero and the climate emergency.

Embedding design for resilience in the ever-popular Capital Lightning Round will allow delegates to delve into recent and current theatre capital projects which aim to drive their theatres beyond mere resilience towards positive transformation. Everyone knows how challenging capital projects are and we will also discuss the difficulties of some recent theatre capital projects and explore insights into how to manage these effectively.

We finish with inspiring stories of how theatres can gain strength from adversity, creating cultural, social, economic and environmental impact, so they don’t just survive, they thrive.

Further details of sessions and speakers will be posted here soon. Follow #ThrivingTheatres for updates.

ABTT Members can receive a discount code to save £25 on the full price ticket. Access the discount code here.

Book your tickets now via our Ticketing Partner Quay Tickets.

There is also a bursary scheme which is open to freelancers – further details here: