We Make Events – Light It In Red

16 March 2021 |

We Make Events – Light It In Red

SOLT/UK Theatre are working alongside campaign group We Make Events, who are marking the week of 16 March (Monday 15th – Friday 19th) by illuminating venues around the country in red, as well as encouraging live events workers to reach out and check in with colleagues via phone.

They are also calling for people to show solidarity with the live events industry on social media, by posting their specially designed heart logo or creating your own. If you’re planning to post on social on 16 March to support the Theatre Artists Fund, please also consider sharing this campaign as well. More details of how to get involved are available here.

New series of films launched highlighting experiences of theatre workers in the Black community 
BlackStage UK is a free documentary-style web series exposing the racial injustices experienced by Black workers in the UK’s creative and entertainment industries. With each episode focusing on a topic that widely affects the Black community, the series sheds light on industry bias, and explores solutions for moving towards true racial equity in the sector, and in the wider world.

The resulting episodes are a free tool in anti-racist education for people and organisations who have made public promises to implement systemic change, and a vital starting place for those who are beginning this anti-racist work.

The first film, Episode 1: MicroAggressions and Assumptions, is now available on their YouTube channel.