14 January 2021

As you may be aware, the government is rolling out a programme for mass testing for those that must leave home to go to work during the national lockdown. This will consist of government funded (until 31 March) regular lateral flow testing to all those who have to leave their home to work during the national lockdown, not just critical workers.

A press release relating to this scheme is here. For our sector, SOLT/UK Theatre are working on the basis that this scheme will only cover those attending rehearsals, streaming and broadcasting activities given that these cannot be carried out at home.

To estimate the number of tests needed, SOLT/UK Theatre have been asked to gather some basic information from you all to help develop these estimations.

IF you are planning activity at the moment, please can you send the following basic info to by midday on Monday 18 January – if you are NOT planning anything or do not know at the moment, please do not send anything to us. Info requested:

  • Name of organisation
  • Is the organisation already providing testing to staff members?
  • Number of people requiring testing within the organisation (only those who cannot work from home and are required to come into the workplace).
  • IF this is to stream / film something, what is it and what is the proposed timing for the filming / stream?