New SOLT/UKT website launched to help industry prepare for post-lockdown fightback

23 April 2020

SOLT & UK Theatre have created, an online platform highlighting a range of live and recorded webinars to equip the theatre industry with the tools to begin rebuilding after the COVID-19 lockdown ends.

Created by SOLT, UK Theatre and partner organisations and hosted by experts in their field, the webinars will cover topics currently front-of-mind to many theatre industry professionals including business interruption planning, audience development following extreme events, and professional and personal resilience.

The webinars have been designed to appeal to a range of levels of experience. Most do not require SOLT or UK Theatre membership to join, as the aim is to provide advice and support to as many offstage industry professionals as possible – whether someone is working from home on business planning, furloughed and needing inspiration, or new to the industry and wanting professional development.

To make them as accessible as possible many of the webinars will be free of charge – with some SOLT and UK Theatre sessions giving the option to make a contribution, to be split between the two organisations and the invited speaker. Some partner webinars may have a cost attached.

We are extremely grateful to all our sponsors for their ongoing support, and all the consultants and agencies we are working with on this project, many of whom have donated their time to help the industry as it rebuilds itself. has been created by SOLT/UK Theatre’s digital team within the last three weeks as a direct response to the extraordinary events of recent weeks. More webinars will be programmed in the coming weeks based on feedback and suggestions from the theatre sector.

Full information about each webinar can be found on on the webinar event pages.