Theatre Artists Fund to support theatre workers and freelancers

25 July 2020

The Theatre Artists Fund has been set up to provide emergency support for theatre workers and freelancers across the UK. The ambition is to provide short-term relief for theatre professionals who are in need of urgent and critical financial support due to the devastating impact of Covid-19 on the theatre sector. The fund wants to particularly support those from underrepresented groups. If you are interested in applying, or in a position where you can even donate, then please click the link below.

The Fund has been made possible from a generous donation from Netflix.

We invite industry figures, corporations, charitable trusts and individual theatre goers alike who care deeply about the future of the theatre industry in the UK to donate.

The more donations  received, the more people we can help through this difficult time.

The ambition for the fund is to provide short-term relief for hundreds of theatre workers and freelancers across the UK, and particularly those from underrepresented groups disproportionately affected by the crisis. Please help spread the word #TheatreArtistsFund.