Theatre Listings: Your input needed!
18 September 2019
One of the key features on our website is our Theatre Listing page in the Technical Resources section. This is a comprehensive list of Technical Details for Theatres in the UK – allowing touring productions to find all the information they need in one place!
Make sure that your theatre is included on the ABTT site please download the form here.
All the information you provide will go towards ensuring that there is a comprehensive list of Technical Details for Theatres in the UK – allowing touring productions to find all the information they need in one place.
What is the Theatre Listings page for?
This is an area where anybody working in production will be able to access the technical specifications of Theatres all around the UK.
What will it include?
It will contain all the relevant contact numbers and emails for venue and company staff, stage, lighting and sound details, listings of equipment available along with any stage plans you wish to include.
Who can use it?
This area of the website enables anyone in a technical or production role to have all the headline Technical Specifications at their fingertips when planning shows or tours around the UK.
What is the purpose?
We hope that by providing one place where all this information is available – rather than having to contact every theatre directly – will be provide a really useful and helpful tool.
How can we help?
Please help us keep this information up to date and relevant for your theatre or venue by sending back a copy of the downloadable editable document with your current technical details. Pass it through to your Technical Team to return.
Please send your completed form through to and we shall post the information on the ABTT website as quickly as possible.
We’d like to thank you for you ongoing support towards the ABTT. Your help is truly appreciated.
The ABTT Team