Core Business / Areas of Diversification

Advocacy, thought and sector leadership
Expert advice, negotiation and contracts with industry unions
Expert legal advice
Conferences, courses, events and networking opportunities
Research and industry insight, leading to resources, guidance and best practice


Key Personnel / Contacts

Cassie Chadderton – Head of UK Theatre and Member Development
Phill Brown – Head of Risk and Technical
Hannah Gagen – Advocacy Manager
Helen Rynne – Membership Engagement Executive
Miriam Nicholson-Butcher – Events and Training Executive
Annie Waugh – Events and Team Administrator


Company Address

32 Rose Street
Covent Garden


Business operating zone



Company Profile

UK Theatre’s vison is to see a well-connected and well-supported theatre sector that is recognised as being at the heart of UK life, with thriving organisations, the world’s greatest creative and managerial talent and ever larger and more diverse audiences.



Responding to the external environment support for theatre and performing arts

Future of the theatre and performing arts workforce
Diversity of theatre and the performing arts
Support funding and income generation
Support digital developments and changes to working practices
Support the health of touring and the regional producing and presenting model
Developing our services to members
Ensure UK Theatre’s membership model is fit for purpose
Modernise the sector’s approach to Employment Relations
Legal Service
Buildings, technical and security
Research and analysis to drive the resilience of the sector
Celebrate excellence through the UK Theatre Awards
Training and events
Advocacy, thought and sector leadership



Society of London Theatre
Independent Theatre Council
Federation of Scottish Theatres
Association of British Orchestras